Ashtanga is one of the best yoga types that can be opted by beginners to start their yoga practice. Certainly, there are various advanced asanas included in Ashtanga practice, but that requires your attention in the fourth through sixth series.
In Ashtanga, the same poses of yoga are always practiced that too in the same order. Every session of Ashtanga Yoga begins with Sun Salutations.
Sun Salutations, aka Surya Namaskar, is a sequence of 12 powerful poses of yoga. Researchers suggest that by doing the practice of sun salutations every morning, you can feel an immensely positive impact on both your mind and body.
Those who want to start with various poses of Surya Namaskar can follow the steps below and start gaining their incredible benefits.
Surya Namaskar: How to Start
1. Pranamasana
Start the practice of Surya Namaskar with pranamasana or prayer pose. To do this:
Stand at the edge of your yoga mat
Balance your weight equally on both feet by keeping together
Expand your chest Relax shoulders
Lift both your arms up while inhaling
Bring your palms in your chest's front while exhaling
Be in the prayer pose and express gratitude to the sun for preserving life on the earth
2. Hastauttanasana
The second pose of sun salutations is the raised arm pose. To do this:
Lift your arms up and back while inhaling
keep your biceps close to ears
Try stretching your whole body
You must feel stretch from the heels to the fingers tips
3. Hastapadasana
Hastapadasana or standing forward bend can be practiced by:
Bringing your palms down to the floor
Try to gently straighten your keens
Hold the pose until you finish the sequence
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Also called equestrian, this pose can be practiced using the following steps.
Push your right leg back while breathing in.
Try to take the leg as far as possible.
Bring your right knee in front.
Look upwards
5. Dandasana
This pose needs your strength. It is done assuming the shape of a stick. To do it:
Inhale and take your left leg back while bringing your whole body in a line
Tuck your toes on the ground
keeping your arms on the floor bring your hands towards shoulders
Make sure you form a straight line.
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6. Ashtanga Namaskara
This yoga pose requires you to salute the sun with eight parts or points of your body. To do this:
Bring your knees down to the ground and exhale.
Move your hips slightly back and slide your body forward.
Let your chest and chin rest on the floor.
Try raising your back a bit.
Make sure both your hands, feet, and knees are touching the floor along with chin and chest.
7. Bhujangasana
Bhujangasana is a pose that needs you to take the form or act like a cobra. To do this:
Lay-off straight on your stomach
Slide forward
Raise your chest up to be in cobra pose
You can bend your elbows while keeping your shoulders away from your ears.
Once into the pose, start looking up.
8. Adho Mukha Svanasana
This is one of the most recognized poses of yoga offering all-over as well as rejuvenating stretch. To start:
Spread your palms onto the floor and be on your hands and feet.
Lift the hips and tail bone up
Make sure your body is showing inverted V
9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Moving back, now again shift yourself to Equestrian pose. As you know how to do this pose now, you need to press your hips down and look up while doing it.
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10. Hastapadasana
While breathing out, again you need to be in a standing forward bend. Try to touch your feet or keep your palms on the yoga mat. Beginners may bend their knees if finding it hard to touch the floor.
11. Hastauttanasana
After doing the standing forward bend, roll your spine up while breathing in. Raise your arms and bend backward a bit. For best results, try to push your hips slightly outward.
12. Tadasana
Known as Mountain Pose, Tadasana is the last pose that completes the sequence of Surya Namaskar. Be in the Mountain Pose by straightening your body and bringing your arms down. This is the time to relax. You may feel sensations in your body.
Note: In case of any medical condition, you are advised to practice Ashtanga Yoga Sun Salutations only after contacting your doctor and under the guidance of expert yoga teachers.